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General - Percentage Rent Check Box

On Tenant > Terms > General there is a check box that states: "Only Charge Percentage Rent" This button only applies to the current Base Rent. upon the first escalation or Option the Rent amount will honor the Escalation or Option period.

Let's look at an example:

  1. The Check box is checked for this tenant. Notice the Rent Starts on 9/1/2014 attachment

  2. If we look at the escalations the first escalation starts on 5/16/2015. So that means from 9/1/2014 to the first escalation on 5/16/2015 the rent will only be percentage rent. attachment

  3. We can observe this by running a rent roll:

    Rent Roll ran for the 04/01/2015: attachment

    Rent Roll after first escalation, ran for 05/01/2015: attachment

RAAMP is currently expanding this behavior into memorized invoices, and is currently testing. The release date is expected for JULY 5th 2022.