Add Tenant Bill Backs
A tenant bill back creates a record on the Tenant, that you can easily add to an invoice to recover directly from the Tenant. You can Create a Bill back on Journal Entries, Bills, and Credits. These Bill backs will appear when invoicing a tenant manually or through the memorized Invoicing Tool.
When entering a bill, create a line item for the amount you want to bill back to the Tenant. You must Select both the Tenant and Check the Box for Billable. Then click save
How to use the Bill back.
Direct invoicing:
The next time you invoice the tenant the Bill back will appear automatically. One caveat, the bill you bill backed from must be dated before the invoice you are creating, you can't have a bill dated 8/01/2022 and add a bill back on an invoice for 7/01/22
From the Memorized Invoice Group > Generate Invoices Page
If the invoice date is after the Bill date of the bill back, you will see a plus in the Billback column.
Check the bill back and click Apply.
You can preview the Invoice that will be generated, and see how it looks.