Auto incrementing Ref No.
On a bill you can have the ref number generated for you, this is great for recurring transactions or subscriptions that don't have a defined ref number. This allows you to have a consistent naming convention for those bills. These settings are Property/Company and vendor specific. meaning you can set different settings for the same vendor for different Properties/Companies.
Once you have selected the Company and the Vendor, click the gear.
Click the Disabled label to enable the feature.
You can set the toggle to "Generate" or "Increment"
Increment: When increment is toggled on the ref number will increase by 1 from the previous number entered. example: If you enter cb-001 as a ref no, the next time you enter a bill for that vendor the ref no. will be cb-002
Generate: Generate is setting the ref number to text, dates or other information. When you click save there will be a preview.