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Add Payment Method

When a Tenant is in the Tenant Portal, if you have setup the property to receive payments the Tenant User will see a link on the left nav bar for Payments.

  1. Click Payments on the Left Nav Bar. If there isn't a billing contact setup the user will be prompted to make one.


  2. Click Make Payment. attachment

  3. Click the Drop down


  4. Click "Add Payment Method"


  5. A Modal appears, you have 3 options.
    a. Credit or Debit Card (Higher Fees)
    b. US Bank Account using Secure Loging (Can be used instantly)
    c. US Bank Account using Account & Routing Numbers (Requires Verification through micro deposits.)

  6. If you chose "c. US Bank Account using Account & Routing Numbers" You will have an additional step to verify your account. Check your bank account frequently for 2 microdeposits from RAAMP & Stripe Once you get them, go to the Dashboard and Click the gear for Payment Methods.


  7. You will see all your payment methods. Click the Verify button.


  8. Enter the Amounts from your bank account: attachment