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Create New Check Print Template

  1. Navigate to

  2. Click Print Selection (For editing the template it doesn't matter if you have any checks selected.)


  3. Simply type a name for the template you want to add, then you can click the add button below or press Tab on your keyboard:


  4. Click Print Template. to print the current template on a blank piece of paper.


  5. Hold the blank piece of paper over the check and hold it up to the light to check the positioning. Make any Adjustments you might need. Please Note it is best for each user and each printer to have their own template if you are printing from different locations or printers.

  6. Modify the template for the printer and repeat the previous step until you have the check correct. You should also check the memo lines and the address if you are using envelopes with an address window for mailing.

  7. If you makes mistakes before clicking save, you can use the Revert button to go back to the default. attachment

  8. When you are satisfied with the positioning, click Save. attachment
