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Use phone camera as scanner

Every folder in RAAMP that allows uploads has the ability to be used by your cell phone to capture photos. This has often been used for deposit slips, Inspections, and Paper Bills. This is a one-way transfer; they will not be able to see the files they uploaded after they navigate away from the page.

  1. With the file management module on the screen click on the QR code Icon. attachment

  2. A QR Code and a sharable link will appear. By default the QR code and link will expire in 12 hours, you can extend this by using the manage access button. attachment

  3. Unlock your cell phone and open your camera app.

  4. Point the Camera at the QR code.

  5. It will ask you to navigate to the page.

  6. Once at the page press the area where you see "Drop File to Upload"

  7. You can open your camera to upload a single picture or open your gallery or other files to upload nay file from your phone. In practice many users do property tours and then upload a group of photos all at once, but for a deposit slip they might take a quick snapshot of the slip.