Tenant SMAART Text
RAAMP has the ability to create PDF leases, Estoppels, Waivers and consents, or really any other document from your lease data. This is a simple to use feature done entirely through the Tenant's file management tab.
Download #RAAMPST# Smart Text Template Helper #TenantName#.docx
Open the Template to see how the various tags will be replaced with a current Tenant's information.
- You will need to create a Word document (.doc, .docx).
- The file name must begin with #RAAMPST#
This is a placeholder to let the RAAMP system know that this is intended to be a SMAART text document. - File must be placed in a tenant folder
Open a Tenant to the File Tab:
Click the upload File Button, or you can drag and drop the file from your computer
1.Select the File, Here is an example of an Estoppel: Estoppel Example
Video of Dropping file: