Working with Bank Accounts
Bank Accounts in RAAMP can be used across multiple entities. However, It is not recommended to do so. Using a single bank account for multiple entities can create issues with reconciliations and requires understanding which company should assume the bank charges.
The preferred method is to have 1 bank account for each entity. That means each bank account should be property specific.
Go to Accounting > accounts in the left nav bar or if you're in the accounting module you can simply click Accounts in the top ribbon:
Click New.
Select bank account as the type
Enter the Account Name, you can use the same Account Number as the COA, but we suggest a distinct name for the property or bank account.
1.ClickClick Save. and a Prompt will ask you to add a subaccount. In RAAMP you must use subaccounts for a bank account. There is an explanation on the dialog that pops up.
Click Save.
Now click Property/Company Specific.
Select the property/Company to make it specific to. then save on the the row, then save on the dialog.
Congratulatons you added a bank account specifically for that Property/Company.